Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Community Organic Garden

This is a great story that will warm your heart.
   There is a church in Delray Beach that recently faced adversity and was facing some serious issues at hand. An unbalanced budget, a lack of attendance and a decline in neighborhood programs. They determined that what was of great value was the four acres of land behind the church . . . and that is when the Community Garden was born.
   The organic garden grows everything from tomatoes, to strawberries, carrots, okra and cabbage, just to name a few. The church gives back to the community by donating the fresh veggies and fruit to the local soup kitchen to feed the hungry.
   There are two incredible women that took on this considerable challenge and manage it day-to-day, Candy Evans (my sister is on the left) and Lori Robbins. I give great kudos to these ladies that have dedicated their own time, efforts and passion into this garden. They built back a sense of community into this small town . . . now you see volunteers pitching in, families planting seeds and attending to their own garden every weekend.

And to plant a garden is to believe in the future.

For more information, please visit the Cason Church on Swinton Avenue in Delray Beach, or go to

1 comment:

  1. Its amazing what a garden can do to a church, backyard, neighborhood, prison, hospital, nuring home, children at school, the list goes on and on. Thank you for the post!
